Assume that you are trying to build an operation interface which allows the mechanical engineering students in UNT to register for any MEEN class (which are highlighted in blue as shown in 2019-2020 MEE curriculum flowchart).

computer science


Assume that you are trying to build an operation interface which allows the mechanical engineering students in UNT to register for any MEEN class (which are highlighted in blue as shown in 2019-2020 MEE curriculum flowchart).

In order to register for a MEEN class, students need to meet all the prerequisites as well as co-requisites. Once he/she fulfilled all the conditions for a certain class, that class can be registered successfully. Otherwise the system will object his request and give that student a reminder why he/she could not register for that class.

Having your MATLAB code, figures, as well as the operating instruction of your operation interface into one pdf file, submit before the due date. (No late submission is accepted)

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