Assume You Are Assisting With IR Planning For The Wilmington University Library.
computer science
Please read the following article:
Mooi, R. D., & Botha, R. A. (2016). A management model for building a
computer security incident response capability. SAIEE Africa Research
Journal, 107(2), 78-91.
In no more than two pages, answer the following questions:
⦁ What was the purpose of the study?
⦁What models did the authors evaluate? What models performed better and why?
⦁Assume you are assisting with IR planning for the Wilmington University Library. What recommendations would you have Wilmington University Library for serving students and faculty? ⦁Assume you are assisting with IR planning for the Wilmington University Library. What risks would you identify and what recommendations do you have for the Library's Incident Response Plan?