Project Overview:
ASTS is a software technology company having a mission to simplify and
reinvigorate the processes in the education sector by developing platforms and
solutions using state-of-the art technology, thereby making education effective
and impactful. ASTS is building a technology ecosystem to offer software
platforms that deals from enrolment to education and finally an effective path
towards employability as a one integral solution for a student.
One of the clients of ASTS is an RTO (Registered training
organisation) that provides assessment qualification to the students. Generally, the assessments are done
“in-person” where a student visits the client site and give examination/get
assessed. As examinations follow strict code of conduct, yet there are cases
reported where the student who is giving examination is the proxy and not the
actual student. The project is to solve this real problem by analysis and
recommendation path to create a controlled environment using latest
technologies such as biometrics/fingerprint reader entry, webcam/face ID
detection for the student who is getting assessed. Additionally, detail on how
a secured infrastructure (LAN) can be put in place for making sure there are no
hacks. Deliverables include: Infrastructure planning and network document to be
prepared showcasing the technologies that can be utilized with specifics and
recommendation with reasons. This includes LAN network setup details for
student capacity of 20-25 at a time.
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