Attempt to answer all of the questions. Justify all of your answers, where appropriate. Include reasoning, formulae used, calculations, figures, tables, etc.



All requests for extensions and other special considerations should be submitted formally following the process found on this webpage. Without a successful request, students who submit the assignment after the due date will otherwise receive a late penalty of 10% of the available marks for the assignment per day that it is late

LEARNING OUTCOMES: This assignment examines the following learning outcomes for ECE2191 from the handbook. 2) Characterise the distributions of functions of random variables. 3) Examine the properties of multiple random variables using joint probability mass functions, joint probability density functions, correlation, covariance and the correlation coefficient. 4) Estimate the sample mean, standard deviation and cumulative distribution function of a random variable from a series of independent observations. 5) Describe the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem, and illustrate how these two theorems can be employed to model random phenomena. 


Attempt to answer all of the questions. Justify all of your answers, where appropriate. Include reasoning, formulae used, calculations, figures, tables, etc. (Note: marks may be deducted if justifications are omitted.) Compile all of your answers into a single PDF or Word document. Ensure that each of your answers in the document is labelled clearly with the question number and question part letter. Include any relevant MATLAB code or Excel files as separate file attachments, and label these attachments clearly also. 

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