Group Topic
Assignment Overview
BA3718: Legal, Privacy, and Security Issues in
Electronic Commerce
Specifications for the report:
S 16-20 pages (Note: title page, references and bibliography do not count towards your page count.)
S Double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins between the paper edge and the main text blocks.
S Page numbers should appear on every page.
S The student number of each member must be in the footer of every page.
S 1234567 – 7654321 – 9876543 – 3456789
S The report should consist of several sections:
S An introduction, in which your group frame the problem/topic that you have considered.
S An extensive literature review in which the previous work that has been done in this area is presented.
S A discussion, in which the work that has been done is evaluated and present a novel analysis of the problem by
your group.
S The topic must relate to legal, privacy, and/or security of Electronic Commerce.
S An analysis of what future work might be useful in this area, and specific recommendations for how that work
could be accomplished.
S A conclusion.
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