This is basically the class that contains the main() method to handle user input for bank transactions. 0. Add header to this file 1. Create a main function 2. Inside main function, create a Bank object called bank 3. Print a welcome message to the user. Make sure you have ``welcome`` in your print statement 4. Print a statement asking the user`s name. Read the name from the user and set it to the userName to your bank object. 5. Print a message asking what operation does the user want, and read user`s input. Make sure you have ``operation`` in your print statement 6. If the input is ``quit`` (ignore case), thanks the user for using the system and exit the program. Make sure you have ``thank`` in your print statement. 7. If the input is ``print`` (ignore case), print the bank`s information using print() method from Class Bank, then repeat from 5. 8. If the input is ``deposit``, ``withdraw`` or ``transfer`` (ignore case): a. Print a message asking which account the user wants and read the user input. You can assume the user will always input ``checking`` or ``saving``. Make sure you have ``account`` in your print statement b. Print a message asking the amount of money and read the user input as double. You can assume the user will always input a positive number. Make sure you have ``amount`` in your print statement c. Update your bank account by the following table:
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