This is basically the class that contains the main() method to handle user input for bank transactions. 0. Add header to this file 1. Create a main function 2. Inside main function, create a Bank object called bank

computer science

Description This is basically the class that contains the main() method to handle user input for bank transactions. 0. Add header to this file 1. Create a main function 2. Inside main function, create a Bank object called bank 3. Print a welcome message to the user. Make sure you have ``welcome`` in your print statement 4. Print a statement asking the user`s name. Read the name from the user and set it to the userName to your bank object. 5. Print a message asking what operation does the user want, and read user`s input. Make sure you have ``operation`` in your print statement 6. If the input is ``quit`` (ignore case), thanks the user for using the system and exit the program. Make sure you have ``thank`` in your print statement. 7. If the input is ``print`` (ignore case), print the bank`s information using print() method from Class Bank, then repeat from 5. 8. If the input is ``deposit``, ``withdraw`` or ``transfer`` (ignore case): a. Print a message asking which account the user wants and read the user input. You can assume the user will always input ``checking`` or ``saving``. Make sure you have ``account`` in your print statement b. Print a message asking the amount of money and read the user input as double. You can assume the user will always input a positive number. Make sure you have ``amount`` in your print statement c. Update your bank account by the following table:

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