Be prepared to answer the following essay questions. Be sure to include specific examples that support your thesis and conclusions. Your response to each essay must be at least 500 words in length. World War II inspired Americans to sacrifice and come tog

political science


Be prepared to answer the following essay questions. Be sure to include specific examples that support your thesis and conclusions. Your response to each essay must be at least 500 words in length. World War II inspired Americans to sacrifice and come together for a common cause—the defeat of fascism and militarism in Europe and Asia. To what extent did America’s fight for democracy abroad translate into more democracy and equality in the United States? What factors led to the postwar Red scare? What was Senator Joseph McCarthy’s role in the movement? What impact did the crusade against communism have on civil liberties in the United States?

 The federal government and federal court actions had a significant impact on the rights and status of African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans during the 1950s. What spurred federal action on these issues during the Cold War era? What were the positive and negative outcomes for these groups? Describe how and why the United States became involved in a war in Vietnam? Why did U.S. efforts to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam fail? The year 1968 has been called the year of upheaval. Describe the domestic and foreign disturbances that made that label particularly apt. What events led to President Nixon’s resignation in August 1974? Compare the two recent wars in the Persian Gulf. What factors distinguish the war in 1991 from the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003? With his pledges to pursue reforms in health care, education, and environmental and immigration policy, Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election with 53 percent of the popular vote and a two-to-one victory in the electoral college, while Democrats also increased their majorities in both the U.S. House and Senate. What factors explain the Obama administration’s failure to realize its agenda during its first two years? What reforms did Obama manage to carry out, despite the challenges he faced?

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