Beside good attitudes and global knowledge that are necessary for today global leader



Coursework 1 Essay: “Beside good attitudes and global knowledge that are necessary for today global leader, the global leader must understand cross-cultural communication, negotiation, leading and building global team in order to make right decision. In addition, a global leader must analyse and evaluate global issues, global power structure so as to utilize it to make a thoughtful, globally conscious and acceptable decision. These are keys to success for today culturally diversified environment”. Discuss. Your essay must include literature review and analysis/evaluation with the illustration of examples. Write an essay critically discussing the statement above. Provide examples by doing research on some successful modern leaders. Use the sources provided together with other academic sources. Do NOT use general sources from the Internet such as Any internet sources or materials that are unsubstantiated will be discarded for grading purposes. Assessment Criteria: 1. Introduction: Identify nature & scope of topic critically and thoroughly (10%) 2. Literature Review: Demonstrate clear understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues, and use of the relevant academic literature (30%). Literature should be integrated across the essay rather than in a section by itself. 3. Analysis & Discussion: Present strong and critical analysis and discussion well-grounded in literature. (35%) 4. Conclusions & Recommendations: Summarise the assignment thoroughly and critically, and provide appropriate recommendations. (15%) 5. Presentation: Convey all information clearly and completely with logical order and make use of approved academic referencing style (10 %) Cited reference from reliable sources are encouraged (available in Journals, books or any peer reviewed), example to it are as follow: Grint, K. (2008) Wicked Problems and Clumsy Solutions: the Role of Leadership. Clinical Leader, Volume I Number II, December 2008, ISSN 1757-3424, BAMM Publications. Hofstede, G. (1983) The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories. Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, Special Issue on CrossCultural Management (Autumn, 1983), pp. 75-89 Palgrave Macmillan Journals. Hogan, R. and Kaiser, R.B. (2005) What We Know About Leadership. Review of General Psychology Vol. 9, No. 2, 169–180 Nigam, R. and Su, Z. (2011) Management in Emerging versus Developed Countries: A Comparative Study from an Indian Perspective. Journal of CENTRUM Cathedra Volume 4, Issue 1, 121-133. Rost, J.C. (1997) Moving from Individual to Relationship: A Postindustrial Paradigm of Leadership. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 1997 4: 3 Learning Outcomes Assessed On completion of this unit, learners will have obtained either formative or summative assessment on the following: The learning outcomes are: 1. Demonstrate an awareness of the need for cross-cultural communication, negotiation, leadership and team-building skills 2. Critically evaluate global issues and utilize this knowledge for critical thinking, thoughtful analysis, and globally-conscious decision-making

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