C++ programming assignment help

computer science


Below is the description of the entire program. But for this question, you do not have to do full implementation of findword and findchar, you only need to do the following:

- Compile

- Count lines, words and characters in one file
- Correctly handle the file not found error case
- Detect poorly formed arguments
- Detect unrecognized arguments
- Handle reading from standard input
- Case of single findword
20 150 1010 infile2
30 350 2010 total
m: 3 20 100 infile1
m: 0 0 0 infile2
m: 3 20 100 total
total of 100 times
If the program is run with a flag in the form “-findword=thisword”, then the program must count
the number of times it sees the word thisword in each file.
For example if I run the program by saying
program -findword=this infile1
Then the output might be:
10 200 1000 infile1
this: 7 12 infile1
This means that the word this appears on 7 different lines for a total of 12 times.
The program should accept multiple -findchar= arguments and multiple -findword= arguments,
in any order. The output should be counts, then all findchar cases in alphabetical order, then all
findword cases in alphabetical order
The student will be provided with a test script, a set of test files, and a series of test cases.
There are several error cases that must be handled:

- Handle multiple files

This assignment involves writing a C++ program to identify and count lines, words, and

characters. For the purpose of this assignment, we define a “word” as a sequence of characters

that are not whitespace characters. Words are delimited by one or more whitespace characters.

A whitespace character, such as a space, tab, or newline, is any character for which the

function isspace() returns a value of true.

The operation of your program is controlled by the command line arguments that are passed to

your program. Command line arguments consist of an optional set of flags arguments (a flag

argument is an argument whose first character is a dash), followed by an optional list of

filenames. If no filenames are specified, the program should read from standard input.

For each file specified (or, in the case of no file names specified, the standard input), the

program must read the entire input and produce a count of characters, lines, and words. The

output should be printed, one line per file, as follows:

Lines words characters filename

The numerical output (lines, words, characters) should be printed right justified in columns that

are 12 characters wide. The filename should be printed left justified in the fourth column. In the

case where the program in reading standard input, no filename should be printed.

If the program reads multiple files, then it should also provide a line at the end of the output with

a total of all of the lines, words and characters in all of the files that were processed. The totals

are tagged with the label “total”:

totalLines totalWords totalCharacters total

If the program is run with a flag in the form “-findchar=x”, then the program must also count the

number of times it sees the character x in each file.

For example if I run the program by saying

program -findchar=m infile1 infile2

Then the output might be:

10 200 1000 infile1

This means that the letter m appears on 3 different lines in infile1, in 20 different words, for a

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