Capstone Project: Implementing a Strategic Plan Building on Assignments 1 and 2, continue to develop a strategic plan for the same organization (Note: Refer to the environmental analysis that you completed as part of Assignment 1 and the strategies identi



Capstone Project: Implementing a Strategic Plan Building on Assignments 1 and 2, continue to develop a strategic plan for the same organization (Note: Refer to the environmental analysis that you completed as part of Assignment 1 and the strategies identified in Assignment 2.) Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: Select one (1) specific analytical tool that you can use to determine whether or not the adaptive strategy or strategies selected for your organization will be the most effective in helping the organization achieve its goals. Propose the manner in which you would use this analytical tool, and support your proposal with an example of its proposed use. Determine one (1) internal and one (1) external factor that you discovered during the environmental analysis that could be a barrier to the success of your proposed strategy or strategies. Recommend one (1) solution to each of the barriers in question.

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