Choose a DV and two IVs to perform a 3 x 3 factorial design ANOVA. You may modify the data to fit the data analysis requirement (e.g. regrouping “Age” into Age Groups). Make sure you have coded/recoded appropriately.



Design & Analysis for Psychological Research

Short Assignment: Factorial Design ANOVA

Note: Use the GSS data file for this assignment.

Choose a DV and two IVs to perform a 3 x 3 factorial design ANOVA. You may modify the data to fit the data analysis requirement (e.g. regrouping “Age” into Age Groups). Make sure you have coded/recoded appropriately.

a)     Name the IVs and DV, and describe briefly the method of coding/recoding where necessary.

b)     In APA format, make a table to display the basic statistics of the IVs and DV (e.g. Mean, SD). (Hint: Only one-way listing of variables is needed. Do NOT copy and paste SPSS output directly). Number and name the table.

c)     Copy and paste the ANOVA summary outputs directly from SPSS (only include the relevant parts).  Then, based on the SPSS outputs make an ANOVA Summary table on your own. Number and name the table.

d)     From the F-table, obtain the F-critical values for testing the main effects and interaction effects. Quote both .05 and .01 significance levels in the following format, for example:

Critical F-values of Factor A main effect:

FC (2, 124) = 3.07, p < .05

e)     Test the statistical significance for all effects. Report the results in simple English in APA format, for example,

Chinese people reported significantly higher collectivism than the other two ethnic groups did, F(2, 229) = 5.25, p < 01.  

(Note: Post-hoc tests may be conducted only where appropriate.)

f)      Plot a graph to show the two-way analysis (Hint: You may need to edit the SPSS graph, or use other software such as Excel to plot the graph).  Number and name the Figure in APA format.



Ÿ  Use MS-Word to print your work; do not print your work directly from SPSS outputs. Use Times New Roman, font size 12, double-line spacing.

Ÿ  The first page should show your student ID (name: optional), Course Code & Course Name, Tutorial group, Tutor’s Name, and Date of Submission. 

Ÿ  Submit (upload) the assignment via Canvas “Assignments”.

Ÿ  For security, please also send your work via email with attachment to your tutor. The email addresses are:


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