Choose two leaders for your study – one from the past and one from the present. They should both be easily recognizable (internationally,) and you should be easily access information on them.



MGMT 601: Assignment #3– Comprehensive Comparative Study of Leaders

Choose two leaders for your study – one from the past and one from the present. They should both be easily recognizable (internationally,) and you should be easily access information on them.


In this report you must Identify and categorize each leader’s leadership style and give examples of the leaders’ actions to support your categorization.


Use trait, behaviour or contingency theory to describe each leader. Be specific, providing concrete examples from their lives and well documented supporting evidence to explain how the theory matches your leader.


Your report should be written in a compare-contrast format and end up with set of recommendations as to which leader’s style you would choose to work with, and why you would choose it.


Before you start working on your report, you should thoroughly explore the grading rubric at the end of this instruction and clearly identify key elements based on which your report will be assessed.



·         Write the paper using APA style with 8-10 citations and references (minimum) in addition to the textbook, including several peer reviewed references.  All sources must have: authors, publication dates, and publishers. “Anonymous” authors, undated sources will not be accepted as valid sources and marks will be deducted.

·         The paper should be at least 2000 words (8 pages not including the cover page, works cited, etc.), should follow a formal business report format including an introduction, main body, conclusion and recommendations, and must exhibit good writing, research, and analytical skills.

·         Report should be written in the formal style; avoid using personal pronouns and sharing personal experience for this assignment; avoid/limit usage of charts, diagrams and other visual components, instead concentrate on making your ideas coherent, relevant and convincing.

·         Submit your paper via Turnitin before the due date; late submissions are penalized by 10%/day

This assignment holds a value of 20% of your final mark.

Marks are assigned as per the Grading Rubric in this instruction.

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