Class Elephant. Includes Fields and methods with their access types. Include Constructors, mutators, accessors, and other methods to print field values and get field values from user via keyboard.

computer science


 Unit 7 – Chapter 14: Example -Service class with Selection

Problem 1: Class Elephant. Includes Fields and methods with their access types.  Include Constructors, mutators, accessors, and other methods to print field values and get field values from user via keyboard. Valid elephant size is between 6 and 24 inclusive. Make sure to check for the size when setting the sizes.


-      Add a method to display the size of the elephant if it is a big elephant. An elephant is big if it’s size is greater than 20



Elephant                                    // Class name or data type

//Fields  or attributes  also called data member or instance data
-size: Int

-origin: string


// methods – behavior

+Elephant()                                 //default constructor

+Elephant(Int nsize, String  norigin)     //second constructor



+setSize(Int nsize)

+setOrigin(String norigin)



+getSize(): Int size

+getOrigin(): String origin


//other methods





Class Elephant
    //Fields or attributes

    Private Int size

    Private String origin


    //Default Constructor

    Public Module Elephant() 

       Set  size = 0

       Set  origin = “ “

    End Module


    //Second Constructor

    Public Module Elephant (Int nsize, String norigin)

        If (nsize >= 6 AND nsize <= 24) then

Set size = nsize


Set size = 0
            Display “Invalid size”


        Set origin  = norigin

    End Module



    Public Module setSize(Int  nsize)

        If (nsize >= 6 AND nsize <= 24) then

Set size = nsize

            Display “Invalid size”

    End Module


    Public Module setType(string norigin)

        Set origin = norigin

    End Module


Public Function Int getSize()

        Return size
End Function


    Public Function String getOrigin()

           Return origin
    End Function


     //other methods

     Public Module printAttributes()

            Display  “Elephant Size: “, size

            Display  “Elephant Origin: “,origin

     End Module


     Public Module inputFields()

Display  “Enter Elephant Size between 6 -24 “

           Input size

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