International Marketing Management
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Assignment |
International Marketing Management |
Learning Outcome
1: Analyse the changing business environment (s) globally and how they pose
challenges to marketing management functions in organisations. ▪
PC 1.1: Critically
discuss the local, national and regional marketing approaches used by the
organisation ▪
PC 1.2: Research
possible international market entry methods and evaluate the benefits of each
in relation to the organisation ▪
PC 1.3 Critically
evaluate the influence the changing business environment on the marketing
management functions of the organisation Learning Outcome
2: Develop marketing strategies with application of appropriate marketing
models, tools and techniques. ▪
PC 2.1: Critically
discuss how the selection for international market will be made using
marketing theories and principles. ▪
PC 2.2: Apply tools
and techniques to inform entry methods into international market. ▪
PC 2.3: Develop on
entry criteria for the international market for the organisation. Learning Outcome
3: Evaluate the processes involved in brand management and how they influence
consumer behaviour. ▪
PC 3.1: Critically
discuss the principle theories of brand management in relation to the
consumer decision process and apply to the organization you are working with. ▪
PC 3.2: Analyse the
psychological and sociological factors influencing consumer behaviour and
decision making. ▪
PC 3.3: Formulate a
strategy, based on your research, for the organisation’s product brand
management in the international marketplace. Learning Outcome
4: Decide how to launch new products/services in a dynamic global
marketplace. ▪
PC 4.1: Critically
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation’s new product
development process. ▪
PC 4.2: Make
recommendations for a marketing strategy that will expand the business in the
international market. ▪
PC 4.3: Create an
international marketing plan for the launch of a new product/service |
Assignment Task: Read the following
Scenario and prepare a Report with the guidelines provided. Report – 100 Marks [7000-8000 Words] Scenario: Candidates are required to
apply the learning and creative marketing skills they have gained from
studying this Unit to develop a marketing strategy for an organisation of
their choice. You will be expected to discuss the key concepts of marketing
management and use contemporary marketing models, tools and techniques in a
practical context. Specifically, you will: ●
Analyse the changing
business environment(s) globally and how they pose challenges to marketing
management functions in organisations; ●
Develop marketing
strategies with the application of appropriate marketing tools; ●
Evaluate the
processes involved in brand management and how they influence consumer
behavior; ●
Decide how to launch
new products/services in a dynamic global marketplace. You can choose any organisation
that you have sufficient first-hand knowledge of, preferably where you are
working currently or have worked in the past, or an example organization that
you have chosen for the purposes of this assignment. This may be a family
business, a multi-national organisation, a college or university, or any
other organization that lends itself to discussion and analysis. This is an investigative
assignment/mini project which will require detailed planning to ensure that
all assessment tasks are adequately researched and for data to be analysed
within the timescale permitted. You MUST follow the Project Report format, which
should contain the following sections:
The focus of this section will be on the
following areas: a)
Marketing Strategies:
Discuss the role of marketing theories and principles in the selection of
international market and in developing an entry strategy for the organization
in an international market. As a minimum, you will discuss Porter’s
Model/SWOT Analysis/PESTLE (one of these three models) and BCG Matrix/Ansoff
Matrix (one of these two models). Candidates are expected to evaluate each
model and tool by comparing and contrasting them in terms of their
suitability for informing entry methods for your organization into
international markets. You will then use each of these tools and techniques
to critically analyse your organization and decide on entry criteria that
would be beneficial for your organization.
The outputs of this analysis will be used to synthesize ideas and
develop the entry criteria strategies you wish to adopt for the international
market of your chosen organization. [15 Marks] b)
Brand Management:
Discuss at least two relevant theories of brand management in relation to the
consumer decision process (Keller’s brand equity model being one of the
chosen models) and apply these to your organisation’s products. Thereafter,
conduct research into at least four psychological and sociological factors
influencing consumer decision making and develop a branding strategy based on
your research and data analysis. The strategy should propose forecasted
responses and the conversion rate of prospective consumers. You should
develop your own branding model that provides a creative solution(s) to any
current issues with branding and is aligned to the strategy proposed. [15
Marks] c)
New Product Development: Assess and evaluate at least 3 strengths and at least 3
weaknesses of the new product development process in your chosen organization
and devise an international marketing strategy that will expand the business
in the international marketplace. You should then include an international
marketing plan for the launch of a new product or service which puts in place
the recommendations of the strategy and includes timescales for completion
and the area of the business responsible for the action. [15 Marks]
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived
at against each of the above criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely
characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
Criteria |
(70-100%) Work
of an outstanding, excellent & v. good standard (*) |
(60-69%) Work
of a good standard. |
(50-59%) Work
of a pass standard. |
(40-49%) Fail |
(0-39%) Fail |
Executive Summary & Introduction (15%) |
critical overview with the help of Executive Summary. Bring out relevant
authors, rival theories, and major debates to a very good, possibly excellent
(even outstanding) standard. References beyond those identified in session
sources. Introduction
should explicitly bring out local, national and regional context of marketing
management practices in the organization, with appropriate references from
good academic sources. |
synthesized overview of the Executive Summary, where good use of existing
academic work and evaluation of main work is given out coherently. Some
review of relevant authors, rival theories, and major debates. Appropriate
range of references are utilized. Introduction
should bring out good relevant local, national and regional context of
marketing management practices in the organization. |
reasonable overview of the Executive Summary, where satisfactory summary is
given of the whole produced work. There is evidence of engagement with
pertinent issues. Key authors & major debates are presented. Evidence of
suitable basic reading. Introduction
should bring out satisfactorily the local, national and regional context of
marketing management practices in the organization. |
overview of Executive Summary. The work may be an overly descriptive account
demonstrating only minimal interpretation, and very limited presentation of
the whole summary. No counterarguments or alternative frames of reference are
generated or considered. Introduction
is not satisfactorily bringing out the local, national and regional context
of marketing management practices in the organization. |
overview of Executive Summary. Fundamental misconceptions of how to write an
Executive Summary. The work is mainly
descriptive and shows little or no understanding of summary requirements. Too
few references to appropriate literature and no evidence of independent
thought and/ or criticality. Introduction
is very sketchy and does not satisfactorily bringing out the local, national
and regional context of marketing management practices in the organization at
all. |
Literature Review & Background Analysis (25%) |
a clear understanding of literature reviewed from good academic resources,
peer reviewed articles and journals. Critical analysis done well in respect
to application of relevant IMM theoretical frameworks. Clear
evidence of independent thought and very effective use of academic frameworks
in order to analyse the case scenario. Excellent evaluation of marketing
strategy models to develop entry criteria strategies of chosen organisation. |
a good understanding of literature reviewed from academic resources. Good
analysis done well in respect to application of relevant IMM theoretical
frameworks. Examples
of effective use of academic frameworks in order to analyse the case
scenario. Examples of sound argument and solid evidence. Good evaluation of
marketing strategy models to develop entry criteria strategies of chosen
organisation. |
a satisfactory understanding of literature reviewed from academic resources.
Some analysis done in respect to application of relevant IMM theoretical
frameworks. The work explores and analyses issues, but is not
strong on application to the case organisation. The work is mainly descriptive, but has
achieved all the performance criteria. A satisfactory evaluation of marketing
strategy models to develop basic entry criteria strategies of chosen
organisation. |
work may be an overly descriptive account demonstrating only minimal
interpretation of the literature, and very limited evidence of analysis,
synthesis or evaluation. No evaluation of marketing strategy models done to
develop entry criteria strategies of chosen organisation. |
misconceptions over analysing the case in the context of relevant academic
thinking. Limited analysis of a superficial nature only lacks any attempt at
analysis, relying on description instead. Poor discussion of marketing
strategy models and no sync done to develop entry criteria strategies of
chosen organisation. |
Strategies, Brand Management & New Product Development (45%) |
ability to successfully synthesize theoretical issues into practice and
evaluate the possible implications and lessons of brand management and new
product development. Ideas are presented in a succinct manner and conclusions
are well reasoned which have relevance to the scenario. |
work demonstrates a willingness to question and to explore issues and to
synthesize theoretical perspectives and practical application within chosen
case context of brand management and new product development. Some meaningful well-reasoned conclusions
and attention given to lessons learned which have relevance to the scenario. |
The work demonstrates a competence to explore issues
and to synthesize theoretical perspectives and practical application within
chosen case context of brand management and new product development. Some helpful conclusions and
acknowledgement of lessons learned. |
may be little evidence of an ability to apply theoretical principles to the
case scenario or a wider context of brand management and new product
development. Conclusions unrelated to the scenario. Lessons learned either
superficial or lacking. |
application of theoretical principles to the case scenario or a wider context
of brand management and new product development. Conclusions unrelated and
confused or illogical and unsubstantiated. Lessons learned either superficial
or lacking. Possibly no real attempt to address assignment brief in respect
of actual questions asked. |
& Conclusion (10%) |
logical, fully supported by evidence, conclusions clear and arise from
results/discussion; practical and feasible, with clear consideration of
marketing issues. Recommendations driven by good deductions from findings. |
logical, supported by evidence, conclusions fairly clear and arise from
results & discussion; practical and feasible, with clear consideration of
marketing issues. Recommendations driven by decent deductions from findings. |
well-organised, logical, generally supported by evidence, conclusions fairly
clear and arise from results & discussion; practical and feasible, with
un clear or weak consideration of marketing issues. Recommendations not
always driven by good deductions. |
Poor organisation;
gaps in reasoning; some obvious conclusions omitted for the list; other
conclusions not especially driven by the findings but from ‘common sense’. No
real implications and recommendations weak and incoherent. |
little related to evidence, frequently illogical or arbitrary; conclusions if
presented are disorganized; alternatives not considered; no real
understanding of the need to draw conclusions, implications and
recommendations from results. |
Presentation (5%) |
balanced, well-structured case, generally coherent in approach. Well-written,
well presented and largely free of spelling and/or typographical errors.
Breadth of appropriate, current, and relevant references and correct
application of the Harvard Referencing Method. |
balanced, well-structured case. Overall clear well-written, well presented.
Some small repeated errors in grammar. Good application of Harvard
referencing system. Breadth of appropriate, current, and
relevant references and almost correct application of the Harvard
Referencing. |
Case is cohesive, but may be hindered by
inappropriate balance, structure or writing style. Some small repeated errors
in referencing or grammar. Current and
relevant references and correct application of the Harvard Referencing
Method. |
some of the characteristics of a pass have been demonstrated, the work does
not address the case requirements overall. Possibly lacking in balance,
structure or writing style. Some repeated errors in referencing and/or
grammar. Limited use of references. |
failings in case balance, structure or writing style. Repeated possibly
significant errors in referencing and/or grammar. Critical failings in case
balance. Possibly lacking in coherence is unstructured and/or is badly
presented. |
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