Computer Graphic: Now that you have some experience using OpneGL with C++ and other convenience libraries such as GLFW, GLEW, GLM, etc

computer science


Description Now that you have some experience using OpneGL with C++ and other convenience libraries such as GLFW, GLEW, GLM, etc to create interactive computer graphics applications. You are required to develop your own 3D graphics application but the project must satisfy the following requirements: ! Your application must render 3D images using OpenGL. ! Your application must incorporate at least 2 of the following areas of computer graphics: imaging, interaction, modeling, rendering, and animation. ! Your application must be moderately complex. This means it should have more features than the other programming tutorials and assignments in this course. Example Projects Listed below are some examples of acceptable final projects. This is by no means a complete list, and you should feel free to come up with your own project, but these examples demonstrate the complexity we are expecting. • A maze mini game, Doom like game, where user will traverse through a virtual maze that is built dynamically form textual input where you can reconfigure the maze by setting the matrix of text to create the maze. The maze will be displayed from a first-perspective • A modeling system that allows simple editing of triangle meshes and spline or subdivision surfaces (modeling) with care given to a user interface that allows all manipulations to be done intuitively (interaction). • A Minecraft-like world that allows the user to roam a procedurally-generated world (modeling) and is able to efficiently render large scenes (rendering). • A game that allows the user to roam a manually specified world and has fancy shading effects (rendering) and has an interactive level editor (interaction). • A procedural plant modeling system (modeling) with interactive control over parameters and constraints (interaction) or some fancy realistic rendering techniques (rendering). • An artistic rendering system that simulates some traditional medium (pen-and-ink, watercolor, charcoal, ...) under interactive control (rendering, interaction). • Some kind of physics simulation, such as a particle system, a system of rigid bodies, a deformable object such as cloth, or fluid simulation (animation), with either associated interactive authoring tools (to allow setting up initial conditions, interacting with the running simulation -- interaction) or some shading techniques for realistic results (rendering). • A volume renderer for medical data that supports direct volume rendering (imaging) and also either extraction of isosurfaces from the volumes (modeling) or an interactive system for adjusting the rendering parameters, extracting slices, etc. (interaction). • A tool for creating 3D animations from imported assets (3D meshes, images, etc.) that allows the user to set transformation keyframes and interpolates between them (interaction, animation). • Helicopter game with obstacles and borders (modeling) The player should fly the helicopter and escape from the obstacles (interaction). If the helicopter hits any obstacle then the game is over. • 3D wall-clock with analog display (modeling) that read time from the system. The clock can have a different looks and different surroundings and lighting to have special effects and different looks (rendering). • Solar system with sun, moon, and planets. The system has nice looking considering lighting and textures (rendering) and ability to interact to see from different views (interaction). • Racing car simulation to demonstrate moving racing car along race track (modeling) and scenery (rending) with option to see the car from different views (interaction). • Implement Tower of Hanoi 3D simulation to visualize the recursive solution (animation). The user can change the views, and try to solve by moving the disks himself (interaction). 

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