You will modify your implementation of “call_class”. The class will still manage a dynamic array of call records. Call this program "call_stats7.cpp".
1. Implement friend function of a class;
2. Overload the << as a friend function of a class with chaining;
3.Overload the – operator as a member function of a class with chaining;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class call_record
string firstname;
string lastname;
string cell_number;
int relays;
int call_length;
double net_cost;
double tax_rate;
double call_tax;
double total_cost;
class call_class
~call_class(); //de-allocates all memory allocate to call_DB by operator new.
bool is_empty(); //inline implementation
bool is_full();//inline implementation
int search(const string key);//returns location if item in listl; otherwise return -1
void add( ); //adds a call record to call_DB
call_class & operator-(const string key); //removes an item from the list
void double_size();
void process();
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out_to_file, call_class & Org); //prints all the elements in the
//list to the screen.
int count;
int size;
call_record *call_DB;
//Name: default constructor
//Decription: Reads the data file of call information (cell number, relays and call length) into the dynamic array of call record,
//call_DB. If the count because equal to the size the function double_size is called and the memory allocated to call_DB is doubled.
//Name: is_empty
//Decription: returns true if call_DB is empty
bool call_class::is_empty()
return count == 0;
//Name: is_full
//Decription: returns true if call_DB is full
bool call_class::is_full()
return count == size;
//Name: search
//Decription: locates key in call_DB if it is there; otherwise -1 is returned
int call_class::search(const string key)
return -1;
//Name: add
//Decription: adds the informaton for a call record to call_DB; if call_DB is full, double_size is called to increase the size of call_DB.
void call_class::add( )
//Name: operator-
//Decription: remove key from call_DB if it is there.
call_class & call_class::operator-(const string key)
return *this;
//Name: double_size
//Decription: doubles the size (capacity) of call_DB
void call_class::double_size( )
size *=2;
call_record *temp = new call_record[size];
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
temp[i] = call_DB[i];
delete [ ] call_DB;
call_DB = temp;
//Name: process
//Decription: calculate the net cost, tax rate, call tax and total cost for every call record in call_DB.
void call_class::process()
//Name: operator<<
//Decription: Overloading operator<< as a friend function. Prints every field of every call_record in call_DB
// formatted to the screen and a file called "stats7_output.txt".
ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, call_class & Org)
for(int i=0; i<Org.count; i++)
<<" "<<Org.call_DB[i].relays<<" "<<Org.call_DB[i].cell_number
<<" "<<Org.call_DB[i].call_length<
//Put code to OPEN and CLOSE an ofstream and print to the file "stats7_output.txt".
return out; //must have this statement
//Name: destructor
//Decription: de-allocates all memory allocated to call_DB. This should be the last function to be called before the program
// is exited.
//driver to test the functionality of your class.
int main()
cout<<"TEST1: Testing the Default Constructor, is_full and double_sizen";
call_class MyClass;
cout<<"Finish TEST1: testing the default constructornnnn";
cout<<"Test2: Testing add, double_size, process, and is_full() n";
cout<<"Finish TEST2nnnn";
cout<<"Test3: Testing operator-, serach, and is_emptyn";
//MyClass - "5617278899" - "9546321555" - "1234567890";
cout<<"Finish TEST3nnnn";
cout<<"Test4: Testing operator<<nn";
cout<<"Fist TEST4nnnn";
cout<<"The destructor will be called automaticallyn";
return 0;
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