Conduct a critical review of one of this week’s assigned scholarly readings addressing the items below. Be sure to provide literature support where applicable

computer science


NCU-TIM 7010 - Week 4 - Assignment: Examine and Critique a Scholarly Article Related to Mobile Computing Challenges-Due February 28th


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Conduct a critical review of one of this week’s assigned scholarly readings addressing the items below. Be sure to provide literature support where applicable.

·         Identify the paper you will be critiquing, and provide insight as to why it was selected over the others.

·         Describe the problem addressed. Why is it important? Is this an agreed-upon problem?

·         Describe what was accomplished by the study. What was not achieved?

·         Describe the methodology the study utilized. Was it appropriate? Justify.

·         Describe the study results and the contribution it made to the body of knowledge, if any.

·         Describe possible extensions to the research, if any. In what ways can the study be enhanced or modified to provide additional value? Discuss any limitations or assumptions held within the study and how they can be addressed.

·         Present the study experiment, and outline the setup and resources utilized, if applicable. If no experiment was conducted, describe how the authors conducted their study, gathered their data, and the process by which they arrived at their conclusions. Are they appropriate? What other methods could have been utilized?

·         Identify at least two possible areas of research extension or future work. Justify those areas of future work with citations from the scholarly literature beyond the article being reviewed.

Justify your writing with evidence from the scholarly literature beyond the article being reviewed.

Length: 3-5 pages not including title page and references

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

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Mobile Computing: Challenges and Issues


This week, you will evaluate the operational considerations of mobile technology integration while balancing strategic interests with technological requirements. Furthermore, you will review a case study that examines mobile technology’s effectiveness and return on investment within business environments to determine if their integration is worth the investment. Finally, you will conduct a critical review on each of the scholarly works to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of future research.

Be sure to review this week's resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.


Books and Resources for this Week

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Gruhn, V., & Kohler, A. (2007, May). Analysing and enhancing business processes and IT-systems for mobile workforce automation - A framework approach.



Haaker, T., Faber, E., & Bouwman, H. (2004, March). Balancing strategic interests and technological requirements for mobile services. In M. Janssen, H



Hess, S., & Jung, J. (2012). Does the iPad add value to business environments? In Extended Abstracts: CHI 2012 – The 30th ACM Conference on Human Fact





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