Consider the data file ‘sales.csv’, which has sales data for a fictitious company with first line showing the sales attributes (fields) and each subsequent line showing a separate sales record. Each sales record has values for sales attributes (fields).

computer science


– Normalization, Transaction Management and File Organization






1.             Consider the data file ‘sales.csv’, which has sales data for a fictitious company with first line showing the sales attributes (fields) and each subsequent line showing a separate sales record. Each sales record has values for sales attributes (fields). You are asked to store ONLY A RELEVANT PORTION of the sales data in a relational database which can have tables only in 3NF. (You are reminded that a 3NF table necessarily should also be in 2NF and 1NF.)


i)        Select a subset of attributes (fields) which you will store in your relational database and explain your

reasons for your selection.


ii)      Create the required database schema for the above requirements and list your database schema as a set of relation schemas (table schemas). You are reminded that a single relation schema (table schema) is written as shown below taking the DreamHome.Staff relation as an example:


Staff (staffNo,fName,lName,position, sex, DOB, Salary,branchNo)


Primary Key staffNo


Foreign Key branchNo references Branch(branchNo)



iii) Explain how each relation schema in your database is in 3NF.



2.             Consider the following Student table in a University Student Records database.












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