Consider the state space shown to the left, where the number by each state n is the path cost and the table to the left shows the heuristic evaluation of the cost from each node n to the goal.

computer science


Consider the state space shown to the left, where the number by each state n is the path cost and the table to the left shows the heuristic evaluation of the cost from each node n to the goal.

Write down the order that the nodes would be searched in

  1. (a)  Breadth first search

  2. (b)  Depth-first search

  3. (c)  Uniform-cost search

  4. (d)  Iterative depth-first search

  5. (e)  Greedy best-first search

  6. (f)  A* search

  7. (g)  For item (c) – calculate the overhead incurred by the iteration. 

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