Constraints ofApple's iPad Pro and Microsoft's Surface Pro 4



Advertising Project

Creating an Advertisement and Creative Brief


The second project/presentation allows you to apply the concepts that you have learned increating an

advertisement. Your presentation should discuss the background and strategic rationale behind your

advertisement. You will submit a creative brief/copy platform (2-3 pages)and a copy of your

advertisement or storyboard.


Recall that the components of a creative brief are:

 Background Information– The target audience

 Current position, primary marketing problem

 Communication objective(s) Creative Strategy– The message theme Support Statement The

constraints (additional information – tone, technical info.)

Considerations for each component are outlined below. The headings used to provide a suggested outline

for your presentation/creative brief.


Background Information

Succinctly summarize the general situation/problem/challenge the client is facing or approaching with

this campaign. This may include recent developments, industry trends, competitor actions, consumer

trends, regulatory changes. This section should set up the "bigpicture" for the advertisement. It is

basically the introduction & should provide a context for your audience. Some things to consider in this

section are: (1) the functional, symbolic, and/or experiential attributes/benefits of the product/service;

(2) its perceived & objective strengths & weaknesses relative to the competition. In short, the

background section should summarize the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the product/service

relative to the competition -- What is the image of the brand (inconsumers' minds) relative to

competitor brands?



Include a copy of the advertisement/promotion. All materials must be created, designed, and executed

exclusively by members of the agency team (you). This includes, but is not limited to, materials such as

layouts, storyboards, audio or video recordings, and store displays.

The advertisement/promotion may be a "rough" or a "storyboard." Specific types of promotions include

but are not limited to:

Television: storyboardsRadio: scriptsMagazine advertisementsNewspaper advertisementsOut-of-home

advertisements: (billboards, transit, etc.)Sales promotions (such as displays)Corporate

AdvertisingInternet/Interactive media (web sites or social media campaigns).


Provide a brief summary of your qualitative research. Be sure and include a brief description of the

issues/questions explored, the procedure, the sample, the findings, the limitations, and the conclusions.

APPENDIX C (if applicable)

Description and/or example(s) of prior advertising by the company.

Related Questions in business category

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