Q (1). Simulate 1000 realizations of a standard normal random variable Z, and use your simulated sample to estimate
Q (2). A χ^2 random variable on n degrees of freedom has the same distribution as the sum of n independent standard
normal random variables squared. Simulate a χ^2 random variable on eight degrees of freedom, and estimate its mean
and variance. (Compare with the theoretical values: 8, 16.) Plot the PDF and CDF of this distribution. \
Q (3). Use the data set ”iris” to compute:
a) mean, median, mode for ”Petal.Length”
b) range, variance, standard deviation, IQR for ”Sepal.Length” for the species ”setosa”
c) kurtosis, skewness for ”Petal.Width”; is the distribution symmetric and mesokurtic?
Q (4). Construct the histogram of the variable ”Petal.Length” in ”iris”, then change the bins in an appropriate manner.
Add the density function to the graph. Construct the boxplot of a variable of your choice with respect to each species.
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