Consumer behavior assignment help



Part I: Four current marketing articles (on the same sub-topic) have to be selected for one page summary (500 - 600 words per page). And one page opinion (500 - 600 words per page) for each of the selected articles. (At least two of those four articles must be selected from an academic/scholarly journal, and none of the four articles should not be less than four pages no more than 8 pages - excluding pictures and footnotes.) Please make sure you highlight with a marker and number all the major summary points of the article, on the article itself, before writing them down on your summary page, with the same number sequence. Part II: A new topic (different from Term Project Part I)should be selected by the student and two articles on the selected topics should be summarized and opinions to be written - exactly the same way as explained in Part I
Part 1 for example : if you pick the Norway consumer behavior , you are going to read journal newspaper or any marketing material, and you are going to marker put on number and you are going to right summary should not be less than 2 pages
And opinion should not be less than 2 pages ( you can add picture etc but , no included 4 pages , pictures reference excluding. ( you also send me journal any reference document with highland marker and number please 
Thank you 
Part 2: will be same direction ; for example when if you pick the Norway consumer behavior part 1, you can pick Norway advertising or any marketing subject FOR PART 2 , its should be support part 1 , and list 2 pages summary 2 pages opinion , excluding picture , make sure both of them should not be less than 500-600 word ) opinion 500-600 summary 500-600 word

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