Control of human capital is taken over by several businesses because of its advantages. But at the same time, different challenges and issues that emerge in front of the human resource department managers while performing their duties.





            Control of human capital is taken over by several businesses because of its advantages. But at the same time, different challenges and issues that emerge in front of the human resource department managers while performing their duties. Organizations that don't concentrate on recruiting and sustaining talent may be in severe consequences, because their rivals will outplay them in the tactical use of their human capital. Any efficient HR manager will focus on these issues and problems to avoid interruption of the organizational activities.

            However those things need to be identified first. Human resources are mainly concerned with handling staff within entities, concentrating on strategies and processes. HR departments and organisations, generally, are responsible for a variety of tasks, including recruiting of staff, training and development, performance evaluation and rewards. Human Resources is also associated with labor relations, that is to say the balance between corporate activities and legislation resulting from collective bargaining and constitutional laws.



The problem that is stated based on this aluminium industry journal is the issue of current Human Resources Management ( HRM ) practices that the people involved in aluminium industry as in HRM positions have lack of knowledge or in training on how to maximize human capital in the aluminium industry. Therefore, the role of human resources has been limited to attract the staff and also the organization must be cautious in managing these diverse workforce that will lead to better productivity through increased employee satisfaction.

Furthermore, human resources field facing challenges that created by the changes and developments in technology and economy. The organization alone cannot deal with these challenges without considering and invest talented human capital to overcome the problems. However, international experiences have confirmed that the countries that have focused more on establishing and expanding projects and importing latest technology and neglected the human talented elements as they failed to fulfill any economic progress among organizations and countries.



Based on this journal we get to understand that there are various types of problem stated. The methodology will be useful to solve all the problem that are stated. The author chose a survey method for some reasons such as to get holistic perception of respondent and to know the actual scenario of UAE aluminium industry. These can be related to lower operational costs, minimization of possible researcher’s bias, and maximization of possibility of greater degree of objectivity and usefulness for hypotheses testing.

A total of 12 aluminium companies in UAE are listed by the UAE government (Gherbal et al., 2012; Shibani et al., 2010; Zhang & Wei, 2012). Hence, the population for this study were these 12 aluminium companies listed. The unit of analysis is based on organization. However, information were collected from the workers working in these 12 aluminium companies (e.g. project manager, engineers, architect, quantity surveyor, and site supervisor). Besides that, classification of aluminium industry workforce can be divided in different categories. First category consists of employees who are experienced and working for minimum ten years. Second category consists of middle managers who are experienced more than five years. The third category consists of people whose experience must be not less than three years. Finally, last category consists of people whose experience must be no more than three years.



              Based on this journal, the author has did a research and explained that, human resources need to identify the potentials and the capability of employees that can benefits the organization for competitive advantage. When these talented individuals are overlooked, they might be hired by their competitors in the same area of business which can cost organization dearly. Some important elements for the aluminium industry is to be a successful organization. Besides that, good HRM practice in the aluminium industry helps to build trust between the employees and employers. Hence, organizations need to analyze the ability of a worker that drives the organization smoothly. Therefore, the organization must be cautious in managing these diverse workforce that will lead to better productivity through increased employee satisfaction.

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