Create a class named Book that contains data fields for the title and number of pages. Include get and set methods for these fields.




Create a class named Book that contains data fields for the title and number of pages. Include get and set methods for these fields. Next, create a subclass named Textbook, which contains an additional field that holds a grade level for the Textbook and additional methods to get and set the grade level field. Write an application that demonstrates using objects of each class. Save the files as,, and

Class Design

 a. Create a class named Commission that includes three variables: a double sales figure, a double commission rate, and an int commission rate. Create two overloaded methods named computeCommission() . The first method takes two double parameters representing sales and rate, multiplies them, and then displays the results. The second method takes two parameters: a double sales figure and an integer commission rate. This method must divide the commission rate figure by 100.0 before multiplying by the sales figure and displaying the commission. Supply appropriate values for the variables, and write a main() method that tests each overloaded method. Save the file as

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