Create a new Database called Employee and create the following tables in the Database.

computer science


Assignment Details

1.       Create a new project with solution name Group Name and Assignment Name GroupName_A3 (e.g. GroupA_A3)

2.       Remove all content from Home.cshtml and add you student ID, Name and Assignment Start Date on the home page for all the group members (5 Mark) – Screenshot 1

3.       Create a new Database called Employee and create the following tables in the Database. You can use the labs distributed in the class for reference. Make sure to enter all your team members only as your employees, assign them into at least 3 departments and they must have their own personnel address and the company must have at least 3 locations (15 Mark) – Screenshot 2 - Show table data and definition screenshot

a.       Employee Table

                                                               i.      EmployeeID (Int)

                                                             ii.      FirstName (VARCHAR (100))

                                                            iii.      LastName (VARCHAR (100))

                                                           iv.      PhoneNumber (VARCHAR (15))

                                                             v.      Email Address (VARCHAR (100))

                                                           vi.      Title (VARCHAR (100))

                                                          vii.      Salary (double)

                                                        viii.      EmployeeDepartmentID (int) FK

                                                           ix.      LocationAddressID FK

                                                             x.      EmployeeAddressID FK

b.      Department Table  

                                                               i.      DepartmentID (Int)

                                                             ii.      DepartmentName (VARCHAR (100))

                                                            iii.      DepartmentCode (VARCHAR (100))

c.       Address Table

                                                               i.      AddressID (int)

                                                             ii.      AddressName (VARCHAR (100))

                                                            iii.      Street (VARCHAR (100))

                                                           iv.      Province (VARCHAR (100))

                                                             v.      City (VARCHAR (100))

                                                           vi.      PostalCode (VARCHAR (10))

4.       Create ADO.NET Entities using Entity Framework and include all the tables above – Screenshot 3

5.       Create a view called AllEmployees. On this view only display the following information: (10 Mark) – Screenshot 4

a.       Employee Name,

b.      Title

c.       their department name, and

d.      both address names

e.      Also display the “More Details” link, it should take you to the ViewEmployee page

f.        Make sure to display at least 5 employees, you must add your team members in the employee table, Employee ID (int) can be your student ID

6.       Create a view called ViewEmployee. On this view display all the information available on the employee from all the tables and also labeled correctly. You can skip the IDs (10 Mark) – Screenshot 5

7.       Make sure to use bootstrap to display the form in a nice format (5 Marks)

8.       Screenshot of all screens as required, add the onedrive link in a PDF file for assignment submission. (5 Marks).


This is a group assignment. Same group as Assignment 2. If you are unable to upload the file, make sure to upload it on OneDrive with your college ID and share the link in the PDF. The PDF should have the title page with all group members name and student ID, link to the OneDrive and all the required screenshots. 


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