Task Create a new Python module called consisting of a
class called Record that defines an address book record. The module should
also offer several functions to enable address book record creation and
manipulation. Import the module into your main code file, called (this is the file you should be executing). The Record class should consist of 4
properties: name, email, phone and address of a
person/customer. These properties can be public values so that they are
easily obtained from the Record object. Example code: class
Record: def __init__(self, name, email, tel,
address): = name = email = tel self.address = address Record objects will be saved (serialized)
to a binary file using the Python pickle
module and this will be our address book database. Example code: # write
a record pickle.dump(r,
f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # read
a record r =
pickle.load(f) (where
r is a Record object and f is the address book file stream) Define and code the following: A function to open the address book file
in “append binary” mode and add a Record. (Hint:
use pickle.dump) #Add
customer record addrecord(Record): A function to open the address book file in
“read binary” mode and fetch a customer Record by name. (Hint: use pickle.load) Note: this
function must make use of the index discussed below and raise a ValueError exception if the index hasn’t been created or
is empty. #Get
customer Record by name. getrecord(Name): return Record The addressbook module should also have a global variable named index defined as a Python dictionary.
The keys will be the name property and the value should be the file position
of that Record in the address book. Define the function below to build the
index. #Build
index of key value pairs from the address book. buildindex(): The function should open the address book
file in “read binary” mode and use a while loop as in the example code: pos=0 while
True: try: <your code here to read position,
load record and populate the index with record name and position value…> except EOFError: break When you need to read or set the file
position, use the following two methods of the file stream: #Set
file index to desired position #Get
current file index pos=f.tell() (where
f is the address book file stream, pos is the index position inside the file) For your assignment, use the address book
file provided (addrbook.bin). It comes loaded with 6 Record entries
but you can add more to it using your own function. There are example and on Blackboard you can use as a starting guide. ***
End *** |
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