Create a picture or design using at least four transformed functions or relations. The transformations should include at least one stretch or compression, one translation, and one reflection. On a separate sheet, you will include information about each transformation and a description of your picture. The project will be graded on two criteria: visual appeal and mathematical correctness. Directions and more details are provided below.
§ Picture or design should be on a 8.5x11 sheet of white paper or graph paper § Give the picture a title
§ Scan and submit the picture or design with information about the transformations and design.
§ The design should include at least 4 functions (or relations)
§ The design should include at least 1 stretch or compression, 1 translation and 1 reflection
§ Both the design and information sheet can be computer generated if neatness is a concern
Visual Appeal: 2 pts
§ Be as creative as possible. Creative pictures or designs will earn the most points for visual appeal
§ Project should be neat and clean
§ Design should be appropriately colored or shaded
§ On a separate sheet of paper write a brief description of the design. Describe what you were
trying to create, discuss if you were successful, and what could have made it even better
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