Create a short essay (1 to 3 pages) that describes three different kinds of attacks that an attacker might mount against a network. Analyze how these three different attacks work, and differentiate between the methods that each attack uses to achieve its’

technical writing


Create a short essay (1 to 3 pages) that describes three different kinds of attacks that an attacker might mount against a network. Analyze how these three different attacks work, and differentiate between the methods that each attack uses to achieve its’ goal of penetrating the network’s defenses. Assume that you are the network administrator who is responsible for the security of the network. You are responsible for designing a defense that will defeat these three attacks. Discuss how your design will prevent the attacks that you have chosen to discuss from penetrating a network. Remember that a defense against one kind of attack may be useless to protect your network from another attack, so you may need to use more than one kind of defense. Include your references at the end of your essay.

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