Create an ER Diagram for FAME based on the information so far in the Case

computer science


here are the directions:
  1. Create an ER Diagram for FAME based on the information so far in the Case. 
    • Your diagram must Crow's Foot notation (e.g. NOT Chen's) and should clearly include all necessary entities, attributes, and relationships necessary to address the requirements given.
    • Entity and attribute names should have NO spaces and should be consistently formatted (e.g. StudentID or Student_ID every time).
    • The diagram itself should include/identify: PKs, Required Attributes, Max & Min cardinality, any needed associative tables (i.e. there should be NO many-to-many relationships shown), and labeling of distinct/overlap and subtype discriminator if super/subtypes are used.
    • Your entities may include multi-valued and composite attributes if you indicate them clearly.
    • The following are optional and not necessary for full points but can cost you points if done poorly (so you may wish to avoid them):
      • Adding an FK to create a relationship, or designating an existing attribute as an FK.
      • Labeling relationship lines with a descriptive word or phrase.
    • Do NOT mark M:N notation (i.e. the crow foot labeling is sufficient).
    • Make sure relationship lines can be clearly distinguished/aren't overlapping to the point of confusion.
  2. List any assumptions you made in creating the diagram (max 3). These are assumptions about business requirements that informed a design choice you made in your diagram. If you have more than three in mind, choose the three most relevant.
  3. Prepare a list of questions you have for your client (FAME) as a result of creating the ER Diagram (max 3).  While the assumptions address choices you made, the questions address potential expansions of the existing diagram (i.e. the questions should not be restating the assumptions).

I will look to you to answer these questions ultimately.  You will be playing the role of database designer and business owner of the Fame database.  I can help guide you but you will ultimately decide how the company processes and business rules affect the database design.


  • PDF document formatted as follows: Lastname, Firstname - S307 - HW1.pdf
    • You may use any software you like (e.g. Visio, to create the ER Diagram.
    • All elements of your submission (diagram, assumptions, questions) must be a single landscape sheet that is clearly legible on a monitor without being printed out, using the following general layout on that sheet: S307 HW1 Layout Guide.pdf 
    • Neatness/legibility counts! Diagramming is about communication. Effective communication is easy to consume.
Entities functionally reflect ask
15 pts
Full Marks
13 pts
Partial Marks
11 pts
Some Marks
/ 15 pts
Attributes functionally reflect ask
10 pts
Full Marks
8.5 pts
Partial Marks
7 pts
Some Marks
/ 10 pts
Relationships functionally reflect ask
10 pts
Full Marks
8.5 pts
Partial Marks
7 pts
Some Marks
/ 10 pts
Assumptions address judgments required/made
5 pts
Full Marks
4 pts
Partial Marks
3 pts
Some Marks
/ 5 pts
Questions effectively address assumptions or possible expansions
5 pts
Full Marks
4 pts
Partial Marks
3 pts
Some Marks
/ 5 pts
Information is well-presented/easy to interpret
5 pts
Full Marks
4 pts
Partial Marks
3 pts
Some Marks
/ 5 pts
Total Points: 0

and here are the part 2 directions:
  1. Modify your ER diagram as needed based on the new information.
  2. Color all new or changed elements blue (i.e. the boxes, lines and words) so that they stand out from existing elements which should remain whatever color they were previously (presumably black or grey; these are the parts of the ER diagram that you did not change from part 1).
  3. Map the ER diagram you developed to a logical design (relational schema).
    • Be sure to properly:
      • Identify primary and foreign keys.
      • All relationships.
    • Use the diagram format from chapter 4 shown in many figure examples as "part b", e.g. Figure 4-10(b) on p. 165, Figure 4-12(b) on p. 167. This should look VERY DIFFERENT from your ER Diagram.
    • Do NOT show functional dependencies (e.g. chapter 4 Figure 4-23 on p179).


  • 2-page landscape PDF document formatted as follows: Lastname, Firstname - S307 - HW2.pdf
    • For steps 1 & 2: You must follow the same ER diagram guidance/requirements as given for HW1 - just with the new/changed parts being blue. The updated ER Diagram will be on page 1 of the document you submit.
    • For step 3: You may use any software you like to create a logical design for the FAME database. The logical diagram will be on page 2 of the document you submit.
    • You should use the following general guide for the layout of the 2-page landscape document you will submit: S307 HW2 Layout Guide.pdf  download  
    • Again -- Neatness/legibility counts, as this is a form of communication.
Document Quality/Coherence
5 pts
Full Marks
3 pts
Partial Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 5 pts
List of Changes
5 pts
Full Marks
3 pts
Partial Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 5 pts
Coherent ERD Displayed
10 pts
Full Marks
8 pts
Partial Marks
5 pts
Some Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Relational Schema - Corresponds to ERD Entities
10 pts
Full Marks
8 pts
Partial Marks
5 pts
Some Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Relational Schema - Structural elements present & used correctly
10 pts
Full Marks
8 pts
Partial Marks
5 pts
Some Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Relational Schema - Logically Coherent
10 pts
Full Marks
8 pts
Partial Marks
5 pts
Some Marks
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Total Points: 0

Instruction Files

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