Create two programs, and, zip them together for submission into one file, Make sure both team members' names are in the comments of both programs.

computer science


Create two programs, and, zip them together for submission into one file, Make sure both team members' names are in the comments of both programs.

Problem Put comments in front of each function with a brief description of the function's parameters and their types, the function's purpose, and the return value (or n/a, if there isn't one), something like this:

Download the file 'accounts.txt' to use with this problem.

1. Write a function called readAccounts(f). The parameter f is an open bank account text file. It should read account records, which have the format

i.e. it is space delimited (you can look at 'accounts.txt' to see sample records). Create a list containing the data for one account. Create a list called accounts, initially empty; this will be a list of lists (i.e. it contains the account records). As you read each line, do the error check described in #2, checkBalance, on the data. If it passes the test, add it to accounts; if it fails the test, skip it.

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