Critical Thinking The Research Report Assignment help

general article writing


Critical Thinking

The Research Report

Assignment Sheet

The Research Report

The research report is a four- to five-page, formally written study of your topic regarding the

intersection of fashion and politics. With an APA-style title page and a reference page, it’s a

total of five to six pages.

 Follow APA style and standards. (Appendix C in The Curious Researcher.)

 Use headings to “chunk” subtopics (page 309).


The report must be written in the third person. You are like a reporter, relaying facts and

citing sources. Do not rely too heavily on quotes. You may not use more than five direct

quotes, so be sure to employ paraphrasing and summarizing as well.

This report must be original writing. Blackboard will run a SafeAssign originality report.


You may use any, all, or none of the sources from your annotated bibliography. However,

your final reference list must include at least:

 two Internet sources

two ProQuest sources

 one Berg source (five total)

Be sure each source:

 is cited in the text at least once

correctly aligns the in-text citation and the reference page

 is incorrect alphabetical order on the reference page

Form and Content

 Give your report an interesting, clear, accurate title. The title should appear on the

title page and at the top of page 2, before the introduction.

 The introduction sets the stage. It identifies your topic and inquiry. It should have a


 The body of your report presents your research in your own words, with APA-style

in-text citations to show sources and headings to distinguish each subtopic.

 Conclude with an argument paragraph, providing a reflection on your topic that

restates your topic and inquiry, and includes your debatable thesis statement.

(Please note: this step is not required in the draft that you will submit on

Sunday, April 2 nd.

 Prepare your reference list. It starts on a new page, with the heading References.

Citations are alphabetized and correct APA style. If you used a citation machine to

keep track of your research, now it’s time to check the citations for accuracy.

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