CS M51A / EE M16 Winter 2016 Homework #5 Problem 1: Implement the following program repeatedly using a single 8-bit adder/subtracter (AS) module, 8-bit registers, as few as possible as small as possible counters and combinational modules of your choice.



CS M51A / EE M16 Winter 2016 Homework #5 Problem 1: Implement the following program repeatedly using a single 8-bit adder/subtracter (AS) module, 8-bit registers, as few as possible as small as possible counters and combinational modules of your choice. The AS module executes addition, when control signal c1 is 0 and subtraction when control signal c1 is 1. Every five cycles the 7-bit input variables b, c, and e are updated with new values. All values (given and calculated) are positive. Values a, f, g, h, and d should be available one each clock cycle, in their respective order. statement 1. a = b + c; statement 2. f = b + e; statement 3. g = a − c; statement 4. h = b + e; statement 5. d = b − c;

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