Current Air Traffic Control (ATC) system is a land-based and Waypoints based system. Its roots go back to 30 years when the original ATC called ‘HOST’ was written.

computer science


Term Paper Topic

Current Air Traffic Control (ATC) system is a land-based and Waypoints based system. Its roots go back to 30 years when the original ATC called ‘HOST’ was written. It needed massive upgrade/rewriting. Yet, the system was only upgraded partly. What are the short comings and weak points of the current system? What would a future ATC system look like? The ‘C++’ Programming Language has been widely used in developing systems software, application systems, embedded systems, control systems etc. Yet, ‘C++’ is not the primary language used in the current ATC system nor in the older ‘HOST’ system. Discuss in your Term Paper the reasons behind this issue, the future ATC functionalities required in the future ATC system, the potential to use Abstract Data Types, ability of the C++ language to support real-time and mission critical system like the future ATC?


All work must be original. All references must be clearly documented using the MLS format for references (both inline and in Works Cited section). Include graphics where applicable (must be reasonable size).

The outline for the Term Paper is as follows:

  1. Cover Page – Term Paper Title, Your Name, Course, Professor, etc.
  2. Table of Contents (MS Word generated and updated)
  3. Introduction – A page in length
  4. Terms of Reference – a Short Paragraph describing the Terms of Reference
  5. Executive Summary – Summarize in 1 page the entire findings
  6. Findings – Detailed findings spanning multiple pages and sections (a minimum of 14 pages but not to exceed 18 pages)
  7. Conclusions (1 page)
  8. Work Cited (MLS Format)
  9. Appendices
  10. Glossary


Font: Arial

Size: 12

Spacing: 1.5 lines

Printing: Double-sided printing with 1” side margin


Footer: Must include date and page number

Binding: Use spiral binding or three double-tang fasteners or slide-grip report cover with transparency protection.

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