Question 1.
What are some of the ways that data can be hidden within storage media?
Describe two methods in detail and possible ways this hidden data can be detected.
Minimum of 2 reference, APA format, current publication as far back as 2013 no later than then
for your reference. a minimum of 250 words do not copy and past from website. Wikipedia or
postings on blogs are not accepted. This would be checked for plagiarisms
Question 2.
Do you agree that the preparation phase of a digital search is the most important -- if not the
most critical -- step in the digital investigation process? Why or why not?
Minimum of 2 reference, APA format, current publication as far back as 2013 no later than then
for your reference. a minimum of 250 words do not copy and past from website. Wikipedia or
postings on blogs are not accepted. This would be checked for plagiarisms
Question 3
In this week’s readings you were introduced to published guidelines/principles for analysis,
processing, and examination of digital crime scenes. Select one of these guidelines or principles
and give your opinion of this guideline/principle and why it is important when examining a
digital crime scene.
Minimum of 2 reference, APA format, current publication as far back as 2013 no later than then
for your reference. a minimum of 250 words do not copy and past from website. Wikipedia or
postings on blogs are not accepted. This would be checked for plagiarisms
For this section of the question, a PDF document has been attached for you to review and answer
this question regarding the guideline/principle and why it is important when examining a digital
crime scene. PDF named Model 3
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