This assignment has a deadline of Sunday, March 29 at 11:59 pm. You must submit one pdf document for each part of this assignment (4 pdfs in total). Submissions must be made to Crowdmark, using the personalized link that will be sent to your email address.
There are 4 parts to this assignment:
1. Data analysis and write-up of conclusions for a one-sample problem. (10 marks)
2. Data analysis and write-up of conclusions for a two-sample problem. (10 marks)
3. Data analysis and write-up of conclusions for another two-sample problem. (5 marks)
4. Reading parts of a few journal articles, and giving interpretations of the results of the statistical
inference procedures used in the articles. (10 marks)
Each part is based on information from a published study, some with a U of G connection. The
journal articles are available from the University of Guelph library website. If you are off-campus,
then you must use the off-campus sign on (top right of the page) before proceeding to the journal
article. One way to find the articles is to go to, hover over Find and
click on E-Journals, then search for the journal title. You can also search for the article title in Omni
(on the library site).
This assignment is worth 16% of your final grade. You will be marked on: 1) Getting the proper
R output and plots, 2) Validity of your statistical conclusions and interpretations, 3) Writing style
(grammar and clear concise language count!), 4) Presentation. Note that you must use R to complete
this assignmen. My “Intro to R” document is available on the Courselink site.
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