Data description:-Brief overview and summary of the dataset. Clearly identify the data type, features and their relationships relevant to the chosen dataset.



Subject Title:Methods of Data Science
Assignment Details:1.First you choose the data from any open source &
2.Then you create a visulization & explorating analysis.

main things:-

1.Introduction:-An introduction and objective for the analysis.

2.Data description:-Brief overview and summary of the dataset. Clearly identify the data type, features and their relationships relevant to the chosen dataset.

3.Data analysis:-Successfully extract and analyse the dataset and demonstrate the insightful information by applying different data science methods & techniques.

4.Data visulization:-Develop (4-6) visualization graphs, charts or any other relevant visual representations.

5.conclusion & Recommendations:-A summary, findings and recommendation of the analysis discussing the main characteristics of the data and improvement techniques.

plagarisim:- 1-10% (not more than)
Report:- 1200-1500 (only Assignment-1)
Deadline:2020-09-04 20:00:00


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