Data Warehousing and Dimensional Modeling



CIS 355 Online

Data Warehousing and Dimensional Modeling

Assignment #1 – 20 Points

Upload to Blackboard; see course schedule and Blackboard for due date/time

Submission Format

Your choice: for example, a Microsoft Word document with your diagrams prepared

in PowerPoint and then pasted into your Word document. Or you may use any other

software as well. If you use anything other than Microsoft Word and/or PowerPoint,

save your file as a PDF and upload your PDF.


You work for a retail company that has stores and operations across the United

States, but only in the United States. Currently, your company has no data

warehouses, data marts, operational data stores, or any other integrated stores of

data used for reporting, BI, and analytics. Your company also has an Internet

presence with a website from which customers can purchase products.

For purposes of this assignment, you are interested in the following seven


1. Employee Management and Human Resources (HR), U.S. Eastern Region

– this application manages all HR functions for employees in the company’s

Eastern Region, which includes the east coast of the U.S. westward to states

such as Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas. The functions managed by

this application include hiring and termination; salary management; annual

employee evaluations; promotions and demotions; and a current record of all

job assignments.

2. Employee Management and Human Resources (HR), U.S. Western

Region – this application is identical to the HR/Eastern Region application

described above, except that it manages all employees in the Western Region

which spans from states such as North Dakota, South Dakota, and other

states down to Texas, and then went to Washington State, Oregon, and


3. Customer Relationship Master System, U.S. Eastern Region – this

the application contains a master list of all of the company’s customers

headquartered in the states included in the Eastern Region. For each

the customer we also a complete sales history, the names of their top officers and

key employees, and other important information that gives us a complete

picture of “everything we need to know” about that customer.


4. Customer Relationship Master System, U.S. Western Region – this

application is identical to the one described above, except that it contains the

the aforementioned information about all of the company’s customers

headquartered in states that are included in the Western Region.

5. In-Store Sales System, U.S. Eastern Region – Each of the company’s stores

has a point-of-sale (POS) system that handles all product purchases,

payments, returns, and refunds. All of the stores in the company’s Eastern

Region feed data daily from each POS system to a centralized In-Store Sales

System for the Eastern Region, which summarizes all sales within the Eastern

Region and also maintains a history of past sales as well.

6. In-Store Sales System, U.S. Western Region – This application is identical

to the one described above, except that it consolidates and organizes sales

data from all of our stores in the Western Region.

7. Online Sales System, United States – This application handles all Internet

sales for all customers regardless of where they live in the United States. (For

purposes of this assignment, assume that only U.S. residents can purchase

products online.)

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