Describe the business project and the investment choice to be made. Discuss the tools to be used to solve the problem.



Submission is required in MS Word or PDF format via Turnitin submission link in Week 10 Assessments (´Final Submission Point´). MS Excel file, with all the solutions, is optional to be uploaded via submission link in Week 10 Assessments (‘Case – Excel submission link’) 

In MS Word/PDF document, Students must have a cover page, with name, Table of Contents, References and Appendix (if necessary).

Please read carefully the HBR Case "Lighting the Way at the Manor House". In the elaboration of your answers, please use the attached excel file with the case data (‘Lighting the way Case data’).

1. Describe the business project and the investment choice to be made. Discuss the tools to be used to solve the problem. (20 points) 

2. What factors have the Barmores considered regarding the project’s cash flows? (10 points) 

3. What is the opportunity cost of capital? How was it determined? (20 points)

4. What investment criteria will the Barmores use to choose among the lighting options? 

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