Describe the emergence of government controls in the food industry in the early 20th century



Describe the emergence of government controls in the food industry in the early 20th century Assignment The United States government began to take control of certain aspects of the food industry in the early 20th century. During the Depression Franklin Roosevelt’s relief, reform, and recovery program spawned a series of food policies. The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) introduced farm subsidies and urban empty lots were converted to gardens. Choose one of the following items to discuss for your paper submission. Choice #1 · Describe the new provisions for providing a sufficient food supply brought about by the Great Depression. · Discuss at least 1 of the food policies implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt. · Identify what factors of this policy made it a success or a failure. · Use proper APA style and cite all sources. Or… Choice #2 · Discuss how can the provisions for sustainability brought about by the Great Depression be compared to the current practices in sustainability; include implementation for both ecological and economic reasons. · Share some practices in sustainability used today. · Use proper APA style and cite all sources.

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