CS 490 DB - Applications in Natural Sciences
Assignment 2
Description: In this assignment,
you will practice what you have learned about file handling and the CSV library
in python as well as plotting data.
Submission Instructions:
- You must submit your work on schoology via
pdf using the latex template provided here:
If you have any questions about how to use latex,
do not hesitate to ask!
- Organize your
submission in the order that the questions are asked.
Always comment your
code! There is no excuse for poorly commented code!
- Your code
write-up with your source code in the appendix.
- Screenshot of the plot produced within the body of the code
- Output of your text file for 2c in appendix
Climate change stands out as one of the most troubling and contentious issues
of the 21st century. Still, few people outside of the disciplines of
climatology and glaciology have actually worked with the datasets. Below is the
GISTEMP surface temperature plot that most people are familiar with. This plot
shows a clear upward trend in the global annual temperature since 1880.
This plot is the
product of direct measurements of surface temperatures. However, to assess
temperatures from the distant past, we analyze the content of oxygen-18
isotopes and deuterium frozen within ancient ice-core samples. These samples
come from deep within the ice of Antarctica. The Vostok Ice Cores, (named after
Vostok, Antarctica where they have been taken from) represent some of the most
complete longitudinal global temperature Data points, going back some 400,000
years before present (BP)!
In this assignment,
you will use your knowledge of python file handling and the CSV library as
well as plotting and error handling to work with the raw data from the Vostok
ice cores and to produce a plot of global temperature over a far greater time
range than presented in the GISTEMP data.
Part 1) Getting and Importing Data
a) Download the
Vostok Ice Core Data from here:
It's also a good idea to read the accompanying
literature which can be found here: https://cdiac.ess-dive.lbl.gov/trends/co2/ice_core_co2.html
b) Use the CSV
library to import the depth, age of the ice, Deuterium content and temperature
variation into separate lists.
c) Check for the following exceptions:
- Does the file exist?
Part 2) Transforming data and writing to a file
As it is, the data
is in ascending order by "age of ice". In other words, it starts in
the year 2000 and goes back through time.
a) Transform the
data so that it is organized by year starting with BC and ending
with 2000 AD. The values of the zeroth element in each of the lists (depth[0],
year[0], deuterium[0], tempVariation[0]) should then be:
3310 -422766 -436.6 0.23
and the very last values
in each of these lists should be:
0 2000
-438.0 0.00
b) The GISTEMP plot
has a "5 year average" trend line. To compute a proportional trend
line for the Vostok data, we should compute a new list that calculates a 10,000
year average. This means that you'll have only ~42 data points in this
c) Write these
transformed values out to a file so that others can benefit from your work in
the future! Note: you will need to decide how to write out the 42 data points
from the 10,000 year average to match up with the appropriate time periods!
There are a few ways you might choose to do this.
Part 3) Plotting your data
a) import
b) From the
data that you've stored in your lists, plot temperature variation over time and
the 10,000 year average over time using matplotlib. This should be done on the
same graph so that your plot looks like the plot given by GISTEMP above.
c) Be sure to label
your axes and provide a legend for your plot that identifies what each set of
points is showing. Take a screenshot of your plot.
The resulting plot
will show an interesting trend. What you see are known as "Milankovic
Cycles". Feel free to research Milankovic cycles as well as other drivers
of the Earth's climate and draw your own informed conclusions!
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