Description of the models being compared including constructs and application to the Health Behavior



Research Paper on Health Behavior 

Topic: Smoking/Drinking-Prevention and Control Among Youth

10 pages including title page and abstract. APA format. 5 reference at least 

Identify a health behavior that significantly affects health status in a particular group of people. Review the professional literature to determine how researchers have applied health behavior models to explain this health behavior. Your references must be from professional/academic sources.

Compare and contrast how at least two of the following health behavior models are applied to the health behavior; The Health Belief Model, The Transtheoretical Model, The Theory of Planned Behavior, Social Cognitive Theory, The Transactional Theory of Stress and Coping.


  • Thesis: your original thoughts regarding the utility and application of the models to the health behavior
  • Introduction to the Health Behavior and its significance ( one paragraph)
  • Description of the models being compared including constructs and application to the Health Behavior ( at least one reference for each application)
  • At least five original comparisons that support your thesis
  • Conclusion: recapitulation of the thesis
  • Reference page

You are required to follow the following format to develop a research paper of ten pages in length, typed, double-spaced, exclusive of references. References are to be cited using the APA Style Manual.

Note: Class notes should not be cited in your papers.  Instead, you should use original, primary sources.

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