Design a controller for a washing machine which is able to go through two possible types of washing requirements, namely a regular length (switch Q=0) or a special shorter length (switch Q=1).



Design Description:

Design a controller for a washing machine which is able to go through two possible types of washing requirements, namely a regular length (switch Q=0) or a special shorter length (switch Q=1).  If the regular length (Q=0) is selected, then the machine should go through F,W,E,F,E,S, D. However, if the special length (Q=1)  is selected then it goes through F,W,E,S, D. The wash cycle command F,W,E,S, and D are defined as, Fill, Wash, Empty, Spin, and Done, respectively.


The washing Machine has three load switches L, M, and S which control the delay needed for each cycle command according to the load size. In this design, three different counter will be used to generate the needed delays. The delays are 15, 10, and 5 counts for L, M, and S switches selected. That is, if L is selected (switch L=1) then delay is 15 counts. Only one load switch can be selected. For instance, if M=1, then L=0, and S=0.



Design requirements:

1)      Have a light assigned to Q, L, M, S, and each of the wash cycle commands .

2)      Place all of the command lights, and needed switches together at a corner of the design.

3)      The only higher level chip to be used is counters. The rest of the design must use low level gates (AND, OR, etc…) and D-flip flops. Do not use upper level gates like decoders, encoders, muxes, etc…

4)      Use wire names and avoid direct wire connections to improve visibility and avoid connection problems.

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