Design a database to maintain information about school staff and students satisfying following properties: Staff will be having their id, name, and classes they are teaching Student will be having name, roll no, section, class Another table containing section, subject and teacher information Next will be containing fee information for students One contains salary information for teachers REQUIREMENTS: Develop an E-R diagram for the school management database. The relation schemas for the school management database. SQL statements for creating all tables in your ERD. Each table should have a minimum of three rows. SQL queries to test your database. a. Find all students name and roll number. b. Find all instructors in Comp. Sci. dept with salary > 80000. IMPLIMENTATION: Use MS-Access to create your database. DELIVERABLES: A file contains E-R diagram and the schemas. A file contains all SQL statements of creating tables, insert data. A file contains SQL queries.
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