Design a program in Pseudocode Pscrutinizer with a loop that lets the user enter a series of positive numbers.

computer science


Largest and Smallest

Design a program in Pseudocode Pscrutinizer with a loop that lets the user enter a series of positive numbers. The user should enter -1 to signal the end of the series. After all the numbers have been entered, the program should display the largest and smallest numbers entered.

  • When designing the program, consider the needed IPO: input, processes, and output.
  • You must use the pseudocode notation as seen in the book and in class.
  • Pay close attention to the appropriate use of capital and lower case letters in your pseudocode.
  • All output to the user must be user-friendly and with complete sentences and correct spelling/grammar.
  • Use comments to provide documentation for the different parts of the program.
  • Use proper indentation in the program.
  • Test your program to make certain it works correctly!
  • Save your pseudocode from Pseudocode Pscrutinizer using the naming convention Lastname_Firstname_Assignment4.txt. Use the Save button in the Input section to save your program.

Submit your pseudocode file using Browse My Computer to the right of Attach File. Find the file on your computer to load. After you have the file, click submit located at the bottom of the page.

Oh, and one more thing. You can just complete this assignment in word, then I can copy it to pseudocode pscrutinizer. Thanks again.

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