Detailed description of the problem including diagrams, engineering specifications, and constraints.



Advanced Heat Transfer

Individual Project #2, Project #3



Please (1) solve the heat transfer problem of a single fin using a computer software, e.g., ANSYS, ANSYS Fluent, Open FOAM, etc., (2) compare the results with the textbook equation(s) in Table 3.4, and (3) write a technical report to present the details (see the format requirement).


L=10μm, D=5μm,

Copper, ?" = 200℃, ?' = 25℃,

ℎ = 25 W/m ∙ K



Project Deliverables

Technical Report Format (handwritten contents will not be accepted)



A short summary of the design problem, the design solution, and conclusions.


An introduction of the design topic.


Problem Statement:

Detailed description of the problem including diagrams, engineering specifications, and constraints.


Design Methodology:

Provide the design process in detail utilizing system diagram, schematics, assumptions, engineering specifications, given and design variables, design solutions and alternatives, component selection, etc. If the design is done using software, include description and solution methodology of the software. Provide references and resources used.


Results and Discussions:

Provide the final system design using equations, tables, and graphs. Provide results of the what-if scenarios if given or design variables are changed. Discuss various aspects of the system solution obtained including economic considerations using capital cost estimation and life cycle cost.



Provide some specific list of conclusions based on the results and overall aspects of the project. Make suggestions and recommendations.



Provide a list of references as needed.



Provide detailed calculations and other relevant information.



The project report is required. The report and presentation must be submitted in both soft and hard copy format. Hard copy is submitted via Blackboard and soft copy is to be submitted in the class.

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