Detailed Ratio (financial and non-financial) analysis: To determine the financial strength of the company in areas such as profitability, liquidity, investor ratios, gearing, and share price performance-other financial information of use. Use tables and charts to summarise data and show trends. Rank best and worst for each ratio analysed. You need to be creative in developing a ranking system for the Non-Financial Ratios as they can be qualitative. Justify your chosen ranking method. SWOT Analysis: With reference to the PEST, ratios, and additional analysis carry out a detailed SWOT analysis for each of the companies. Rank best and worst for the SWOT analysis. You need to be creative in developing a ranking system for the SWOT as it is generally qualitative. Justify the ranking method. I need this resurch and anylsis done on these three companies UK FIRSTGROUP Plc Go-AHEAD GROUP PLC STAGECOACH GROUP Plc
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