Develop a detailed analysis of your findings and identified strategic issues for the industry environment.



Develop a detailed analysis of your findings and identified strategic issues for the industry environment. Explain that this analysis focuses on the strategic elements of the industry environment and concerns or opportunities of how the strategic elements fit with the strategy as reported in the strategic frame assessment previously delivered to the VP. Conduct a competitive analysis of an organization, using the theories and models of strategic analysis. Use resource-based theory or value chain models. Are there vital PEST (Political, Environmental, Social, and Technological) factors shaping the industry conditions?

 Which competitive forces (Porter's 5-Forces Model) on the organization are most intense? Analyze the strategic position and direction of an organization. Evaluate its corporate strategy. In which market segments does the organization participate? What are the buyer's purchase criteria and the basis of competition (Key Success Factors) for the market segment? Should the organization reposition its resources and capabilities (change its product scope, vertical scope, or geographical scope) in anticipation of changes in industry structural factors or competitive forces? Analyze concerns or opportunities about the organization's strategic fit with its competition, suppliers, and customers. Evaluate the degree to which the organizational structure and management systems enable the execution of the corporate strategy. Consider the organization of functional capabilities and value chain capabilities of the organization. Assuming the organization employs a diversification or vertical integration strategy, could costs be reduced or revenue increased by economizing the scale of diversification? Could costs be reduced or revenue increased by downsizing or outsourcing activities in the vertical scope of the organization? Submit your analysis in a business format, adhering to the additional requirements below. Additional Requirements References: Support your analysis with at least three academic resources from the Capella University Library. You must use proper APA (6th edition) style to list your references. For more information, refer to the APA Style and Format page in the Capella Online Writing Center. Length: The body of the analysis must be 2–3 double-spaced, typed pages, not including the references list, appendices, or the title page. Written communication: Develop accurate written communication and thoughts that convey the overall goals of the analysis and do not detract from the overall message. You should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills and should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. 

Formatting: Use APA (6th edition) formatting, including correct in-text citations, proper punctuation, double-spacing throughout, proper headings and subheadings, no extra line spaces before headings and subheadings, proper paragraph and block indentation, no bolding, one-inch margins all around, and no bullets. Refer to the APA Style and Format page in the Capella Writing Center for more information. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points. Grading Criteria: STRATEGIC FIT WITH THE INDUSTRY ENVIRONMENT SCORING GUIDE GRADING RUBRIC Conduct a competitive analysis for an organization. Does not conduct a competitive analysis for an organization. Conducts a competitive analysis for an organization but does not utilize resource-based theory or value-chain models. Conducts a competitive analysis for an organization. Conducts a competitive analysis and synthesizes significant findings relative to the key resources, capabilities, and specific value-chain activities. Analyze the strategic position and direction of an organization. Does not analyze the strategic position and direction of an organization. Describes the strategic position and direction of an organization. Analyzes the strategic position and direction of an organization. Evaluates the strategic position and direction of an organization relative to the strategic elements of the industry environment. Analyze an organization's strategic fit with its competition, suppliers, and customers. Does not analyze an organization's strategic fit with its competition, suppliers, and customers. Describes an organization's strategic fit with its competition, suppliers, and customers but does not discuss concerns or opportunities. Analyzes an organization's strategic fit with its competition, suppliers, and customers.

 Assesses the impact of industry environment issues on the strategic position or direction of an organization. Evaluate the organizational structure and management systems of an organization. Does not evaluate the organizational structure and management systems of an organization. Analyzes the organizational structure and management systems of an organization. Evaluates the organizational structure and management systems of an organization. Evaluates the organizational structure and management systems of an organization relative to the execution of the corporate strategy. Develop an analysis for an organization's industry environment. Does not develop an analysis for an organization's industry environment. Develops an analysis for an organization's industry environment but does not address concerns and opportunities. Develops an analysis for an organization's industry environment. 

Assesses an organization's industry environment, including the strategic elements, concerns, and opportunities. Includes details of the assessment in the industry environment analysis.Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business profession. Communicates in a manner that is not professional or consistent with expectations for members of the business profession. Communicates in a manner that is inconsistent with expectations for members of the business profession. Communicates in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business profession. Communicates in a manner that is professional, scholarly, and consistent with expectations for members of the business profession.

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