Discuss at least eight worldviews found in the movie Paul



Check-List for your Term Project


Cover-page (1 pt)


At least 850 words or at least seven pages (.5 pts)


Content (60 pts)

a)     Discuss at least eight worldviews found in the movie Paul (2011)

b)    Discuss at least five parallels found between the movie Paul (2011) and the Apostle Paul in the Acts of the Apostle (CE c. 68)

c)     Discuss at least fourteen steps and stages of the hero journey as they apply to the adventures of Graham (Simon Peggs) and Clive (Nick Frost).


A conclusion with at least 150 words discussing (5 pts for c and a and b 10 pts= 15 pts)

a)     Summing up the three elements of content discussed above

b)    Your own observations on the movie

c)     Answer whether the movie resolves the conflict between science and religion with at least three justifications supporting a yes, no, or a bit of both


At least ten in-text references (16 is the magic number for ten pts)


A bibliography (at least six documents including the movie) (six or seven pts out eight pts).


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