We want to understand HOW Coke & Pepsi have managed to maintain
very high profitability over the course of their existence. There are 2 tools I want you to use to show.
Porter’s 5 forces
Game Theory
1) Analyze buyer
power. Use Porter's framework &
2) Analyze seller
power. Use Porter's framework &
Note: for 1 & 2 above, it is helpful to look at current
(2006) buyer & seller power and historical buyer & seller power. Actions taken by the firms are based on the
historical level of power, so it is they dynamic path of these that are
important to look at.
The two firms have followed very similar historical
paths. Think about Profit = Total
Revenue – Total Cost. At different
stages in their development the firms aimed at one or the other of the two
components of profit. These stages can
be (generally) differentiated.
For example: in the 1970s Coke & Pepsi tried to
___________________ (either increase revenue or decrease costs) by doing ______________________
(strategy) which is based on the economic theory of __________________.
While there was a lot of imitation by the rivals, there are
also instances where the rivals chose not to imitate or tried a strategy
different from their rival.
We are concerned with VERTICAL CHOICES here.
3) Discuss choices in
the rivalry where the two firms imitated each other in terms of VERTICAL CO-ORDINATION. Make sure to address
a) Is this imitation strategy a cost-cutting strategy
or revenue increasing strategy?
Defend the firms’ strategy with economic principles
Explain why the firms’ chose (or were forced) to imitate their rival’s
4) Discuss VERTICAL choices
in the Cola War where the two firms deviated in strategy (i.e. didn’t imitate the
other). Make sure to address
a) Is this imitation strategy a cost-cutting
strategy or revenue increasing strategy?
b) Defend the firms’ strategy with economic
c) Explain why the firms’ chose (or were forced)
to imitate their rival’s strategy
5 ) Use repeated interactions in game theoretical context to
explain what’s going on between the two firms (note: it is important to
understand global market developments), specifically how are they able to
sustain such high profits for such a prolonged period of time.
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