The Challenge of Globalization
8 pages (4000 words): 12 font Time new Roman 1.5 space.
Select one topic to write about for
your final writing assignment
Topic 1: Discuss some aspect of the tension between nationalism and
For this topic you might focus your
paper on:
privatization of culture in South Africa, and expectations about market growth
based on your understanding of the South African context while relying on,and
foregrounding your own business experience.
o Focus on one aspect of South African cultural markets (film, music,
visual art, literature, etc.) rather than speaking to the whole market system.
Bring in personal business experience insofar as it is relevant to the analysis
of the South African market system.
The tension
between making or performing the arts for the new nation and/or for
international audiences. Who is making what for whom? The problem of
o Focus on one or two examples rather than speaking generally throughout
the paper.
The issue of
how global influences are successfully (or unsuccessfully) appropriated to the
South African context and inflected by it.
o Bring in your own business experience of global influences on the
production process and the nature of products (commodities) if you have that
kind of experience.
question of your choosing and please feel free to consult the instructor in
formulating this question.
You may use any
texts relevant to your choice of topic. Feel free to take advice from the
instructor about sources, refinement of your topic, whatever.
Due on Monday 30th, 2029 by 11:59PM EST.
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